Monday, February 18, 2019

Luke 6: 27-38
Laterally Luke…Epiphany 7…New in 2019

What a treasure trove! Action packed! As last week, LK has Jesus emphasising the personal impacts more than generalising them. We need to encourage each other to do the same if we’re to be true disciples. The sermon I’ve just heard today (Epiphany6) on the passage immediately before this one, highlighted Jesus as proclaiming a ‘counter-culture’. A good point, it seems to me, to ponder as we move on.

Rather, though, than giving Hebrew names to those we imagine listening to Jesus & considering where they come into what He’s saying back then, let’s give them ‘today’ names & ask ourselves where we come into the picture today.

As we look from our pulpit or lectern, are our eyes drawn to Tom glaring towards his enemy Jim. We’re not sure what lies behind this, but let’s be alert to it as we listen to Jesus. Why does Betty hate Jane? We’ve heard rumours that Betty suspects Jane is too close for comfort to her own husband Paul. Whether or not that’s true, it doesn’t exempt either of them from what Jesus is proclaiming here. Someone told us the other day they’d heard Bob cursing Phillip over the state he’d returned his lawn-mower in! How busily is our flock, those mentioned above, & everyone else, praying for each other as well as other concerns that interest or involve us?  

Do we love our enemies enough to be actually praying for those we do think of as enemies? What are we praying for them? Where does it fit into what Jesus says here? 

How well are we treating those who hate us? Are we blessing them / blessing God for them - despite the feelings that flow between us? Are we praying for those who are insulting us? What are we blessing God for them / praying for them?

It’s really demanding of Jesus to tell us: ‘Offer the other cheek to someone who physically attacks us…’ There’s so much violence in our community these days! ‘Let them take your shirt as well as your coat…’ Do we really need to be bothered & upset that Frank hasn’t returned that coat he borrowed a month ago. Why not consider it his if he needs it? ‘Give to those who beg…’ How do we feel inside us when someone actually begs from us in the street? Do we toss them a coin or two, pretend not to see them, or do something more constructive if we’re able?  ‘When someone steals from you don’t ask for it back….’ These days, this often a police matter. Does it have to be in every case? Let’s be honest & ask ourselves whether Jesus’ counter-culture is in the ‘too hard basket’?  

Afterthought: In vv. 32-35 the words used for thanks or ‘not thanks’ is the word used elsewhere for ‘grace’. Do we need to rediscover the connection between Grace, the all-embracing gift of God, & how it applies to what Jesus is teaching us here?

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